Maria b Sarees Bridal Collection

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SKU: Maria b Sarees Bridal Collection
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Maria B Sarees


An unstitched piece of fabric explicitly wrapped around the hips and across shoulders in a highly classic glamourous style creating an hourglass silhouette is called a Saree. During the traditional period, many South Asian women liked to wear sarees on formal occasions and in simple everyday life. Following that trend, nowadays Maria B Sarees collection consists of unstitched suits with unique and stylish designs.


Design Philosophy


The grace of Maria B's designs is seen in saree wear. These fabrics are beautifully and heavily embellished with diamantes that give Italians a touch on materials like moonlight that looks glamorous, stylish, and expensive. In addition to these expensive materials, traditional heritage embroideries such as gota, silk thread, and zari are used as hand-crafted embellishments. Moreover, foil-weaved organza jacquard with a touch of metallic threadwork makes the lace antique and expensive-looking. Maria B uses expensive crystals and beads for buttons and tassels, which enhances its designs. Its finishing accessories make the saree more glamourous.

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Characteristics of Maria  Sarees

  • The blouse is of moonlight fabric
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  • Organza jacquard sleeves
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  • Embroided pani work organza upper fall pallu
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  • Korean net embodied lower fall
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  • Embroided upper fall laces
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  • Master copy available
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Benefits of Maria B Bridal Saree Handmade

  1. Handmade Maria B sarees with adda work
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  3. Handmade pure crinkle chiffon saree falls along with Mukesh work with a heavily embodied blouse
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  5. Rao silk petticoat is also given on order.
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  7. Handmade pallu with 900-micron velvet embroidery
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  9. Handmade accessories to enhance its beauty
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